What type of records can you obtain?
We can obtain almost every type of record imaginable. Some of the types of records are medical, billing, x-rays, pathology, personnel and payroll, Workers Compensation files from employers, claim files from insurance companies, telephone records, bank records, pharmacy records, police records, fire records, driving records, academic records, ambulance records and business records of any kind.
How long will it take for me to get my records?
Turnaround time for requests depends mainly on the provider’s cooperation. While the majority of requests through DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE are resolved within a 30-45 day period, frequently within a week or two, others such as requests to large governmental agencies, i.e. Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, etc.. may encounter lengthy delays. However, DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE will always follow up diligently for the quickest turnaround time possible, and we will keep you fully informed of any delays.
What works better? A subpoena or an authorization?
While most may think a subpoena would be more “motivating” for a provider to release materials, it has been our experience that authorization requests result in a better compliance rate as well as more timely production of materials.
What happens if I don’t have an address for a provider?
Obviously, the more information … the better, but our private provider database tracks changes in provider information, including: forwarding addresses, current phone numbers and special instructions for how the providers process records requests. Give us the information you have, and our staff can do the necessary research to find the correct location and provider requirements.
In light of the HIPAA guidelines, can you still use subpoenas to get records?
Absolutely. While any state rules that may be more restrictive than the federal HIPAA guidelines can supersede HIPAA, the HIPAA guidelines do not invalidate subpoenas. Subpoenas that adhere to the proper process can and should be responded to by the provider. DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE will do our best to educate the providers on this point. However, it should be noted that some providers may take the conservative approach and release materials only with HIPAA consents, regardless of the fact that the subpoena is valid.
How do you handle uncooperative providers?
DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE follows up with all providers in the same diligent and professional manner. Our staff are trained to identify uncooperative providers, as opposed to those experiencing genuine difficulty responding to our request. We will alert the provider to the necessity of releasing the materials. We are also prepared to provide you with documentation for your files that will record the provider’s non-compliance.
Yes. DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE is prepared to advance fees to providers or copy services so you can receive your documents. Your office also has the option of providing DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE with “fee advance limits” that will allow us to issue these payments without any consultation with your office. The fee advance costs will be included in your final billing.
What if the provider doesn’t have the requested records?
Our “affidavit of no records” form gives the provider an area to sign and certify that they do not have the requested records. DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE will pursue “Affidavits of No Records” as diligently as an actual record.
Will you call me for a fee approval before picking up the records?
Definitely. We realize that you have boundaries to work within and want to help you avoid any long term complications. It is fair to say that we have a good grasp of what the industry norm is for pricing. If you have different parameters for a specific case, just let us know. Keep in mind that the lower this amount is, the more time will pass before the facility will start copying, thus delaying your records.
Can I subpoena government records?
You can obtain government records with an originally signed release form by the individual to whom the records pertain. Social Security Claim records, Wage Information, tax returns from I.R.S. all take 3 – 6 months. DIVERSIFIED LEGAL SERVICE has full access to any necessary forms needed and can supply you with them upon request.
Do you copy X-rays?
Yes. In most cases this turnaround time is 72 hours. However, if you need them sooner, every effort will be made so you can meet your deadline.
Will you direct bill my client?
Yes, with the appropriate information, we can direct bill your client. Once we have this information we will direct bill on all subsequent orders placed. Just send us your request with the necessary information. Unfortunately, we cannot direct bill individuals involved in a family law matter.